Policy Imperatives for Health Freedom

Written By: Leslie Manookian | President | Health Freedom Defense Fund

As a requirement for discussing and appreciating the imperative of health freedom in the USA, we must first define what is meant by health freedom. A simple definition is: the right of every American to decide what medical interventions to put into or onto one’s body, the right to access and use the medical and healing modalities of one’s choice, the right to maintain one’s health according to one’s conscience, and the right to live free of involuntary medication be it via the food supply, the water supply, or something airborne.

In a free and moral society, health freedom is not simply a convenience, it’s an imperative. In this vein, in the event of injury or illness, all Americans must possess the absolute right to choose what medical interventions and treatments to accept and what medical or healing modalities to utilize in order to address illness or injury; Americans must be free to choose how to maintain their health whether that be through nutrition, supplements, herbs, drugs, or a myriad of healing modalities; Americans must have access to truthful information regarding how the seeds for plants and animal feed and the food in our food supply has been grown or developed, medicated, processed, and packaged; and Americans have the right to exist in a society free of water and airborne medications, insect vectors, and chemicals.

Health freedom can only exist in a free and moral society which values each and every member of that society. This prerequisite thus excludes medical mandates of any kind. It is immoral to force another individual to risk their life for the theoretical benefit of another. Moreover, government does not have the moral authority or power to dictate what medical products any American puts into or on his or her body. If anyone in government does possess that power, then no American is truly free, nor does he or she possess any meaningful right whatsoever – Americans are merely chattel.

In order to create a society based on true health freedom, the following policy shifts should be implemented, as a first step. There are many more changes which should be implemented as well, but these proposals would address some of the most glaring, pernicious anti-liberty and anti-health aspects of our system as it exists today:

1. Ban all Medical Mandates:

The Declaration of Independence states, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…”  Medical mandates are prime facie violations of our founding documents.

Health freedom demands prior voluntary informed consent before a medical treatment or intervention is administered. Medical mandates are thus, by definition, antithetical to voluntary consent and therefore must be prohibited in a free and moral society. No single individual in government knows the medical history of any American, knows what is best for Americans, or has to live with the repercussions of any choices made by Americans, thus, medical mandates are never justified in any circumstance.

2. Repeal the Bayh-Dole Act:

“The Bayh-Dole Act, formerly known as the Patent and Trademark Act Amendments, is a federal law enacted in 1980 that enables universities, nonprofit research institutions and small businesses to own, patent and commercialize inventions developed under federally funded research programs within their organizations.”

Under this program, government scientists may receive up to $150,000 per year on their patents.

In theory, Bayh-Dole incentivizes bright scientists to seek employment at federal health agencies rather than entering more lucrative private industry by allowing these taxpayer-funded scientists and other individuals and entities to retain the patent rights to intellectual property developed during their taxpayer-funded research and development activities.

In practice, this Act forever realigned the interests of taxpayer-funded scientists away from the American people and toward their own interests and profits and the profits of the private industries with which they collaborate. Dr. Anthony Fauci and his team at NIAID infamously owned half the Moderna Covid vaccine patent which incentivized the misguided covid era policies leading to a colossal violation of the rights of Americans demonstrating the perverse incentives created by Bayh-Dole and the necessity of repealing the act.

3. Repeal the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of 1992:

“The Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) was created by Congress in 1992 and authorizes FDA to collect user fees from persons that submit certain human drug applications for review or that are named in approved applications as the sponsor of certain prescription drug products. Since the passage of PDUFA, user fees have played an important role in expediting the drug review and approval process.”

In 2022 alone, the pharmaceutical industry paid $2.9 billion in user fees amounting to 46% of FDA’s entire budget including $1.4 billion or 66% for FDA’s drug approvers’ salaries and $197 million or 43% of the biologics (vaccines) program budget. As a direct consequence of PDUFA, the FDA has a vested interest aligned with the profits and success of the pharmaceutical industry rather than the health and wellbeing of the American people.

4. Repeal the Public Readiness and Preparedness Act (PREP Act) which authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a PREP Act declaration.

“The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims:

  • of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions
  • determined by the Secretary to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency
  • to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures

A PREP Act declaration is specifically for the purpose of providing immunity from liability, and is different from, and not dependent on, other emergency declarations.”

The PREP Act desecrates the ethical principle of informed consent by protecting individuals from liability even when they expressly act contrary to patients’ wishes and instructions and must be repealed.

5. Repeal the Affordable Care Act:

The Affordable Care Act anchors Americans to the pharmaceutical and drug-based medical paradigm even though a majority of Americans used at least one form of “alternative” medicine in 2021 and spent $30.6 billion in out of pocket expenses for those holistic medicine services in 2023 according to Statista. Instead, implement a health savings program which permits Americans to access the health and medical modalities of their choice which in turn would foster more competition and reduce the exorbitant health care costs in the US by breaking the extant monopolies held by the medical and insurance industries.

6. Repeal the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA):

NCVIA shields vaccine makers and those who administer vaccines from liability (except for willful misconduct), creating a perverse incentive to industry to develop a never-ending stream of vaccines which are then mandated by the states and a perverse incentive to medical professionals to charge for and inject patients irrespective of the harm they may cause. Further, the NCVIA protects industry, medical professionals, and vaccine programs by creating a separate administrative federal court structure lacking due process and discovery, managed by “Special Masters” instead of judges, all in violation of the constitutionally protected right to due process. While NCVIA contains other provisions designed to protect American families and ensure the safety of the national vaccine supply, Congress is not conducting proper oversight and the promises made in 1986 at the time of the Act’s passage have not been upheld. As such, Americans who have been injured or killed by vaccines are left with astronomical medical bills and to fend for themselves.

7. Prohibit Private Donations to Government Entities:

Prohibit private individuals, foundations, corporations, contractors, any other person or entity from donating or otherwise giving money to any agency or entity of the federal government. FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) accept money from private actors such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer thus skewing the interests of the agency in favor of these private actors and away from the American public. Gates has collaborated with FDA and the CDC Foundation takes money from the pharmaceutical industry whose products CDC is responsible for monitoring for safety.

8. Cooling-off Period for Senior Federal Employees:

Enact a 5-year cooling-off period before which agency leadership, deputies, and other key officials may depart federal agencies in order to enter the companies they regulate in the private sector.

9. Prevent Conflicts of Interest:

Eliminate conflict of interest waivers so that no person serving on a health agency committee, board, or other regulatory entity may have a conflict of interest. Disclosure of conflicts of interest is insufficient to ensure the agencies pursue the interests of the American people. Individuals with financial or ideological conflicts of interest should not serve as decision makers in any capacity.

10. Prohibit Government Grants to Nonprofits:

Prohibit government from allocating taxpayer dollars to nonprofit. Nonprofits exists to serve the public interests and should be funded directly by American citizens. If a nonprofit has a worthwhile mission, the public will gladly support it. Government exists to protect our rights and should not be in the business of picking winners and losers nor should it be using third parties to pursue policies outside the reach and review of the public.

11. Ban Water Fluoridation:

While water fluoridation programs are broad spread, they are not only dangerous from a health standpoint, they are forced medication in violation of the ethical principle of informed consent. Research comparing the health outcomes and IQs of communities that do and do not fluoridate their water supply reveal that children in the fluoridated water communities have reduced IQs and therefore inferior prospects in life. Other research has documented the health hazards of fluoride, an industrial waste product.

In addition, as fluoride is added to municipal water supplies, residents of those communities have no way to opt out and therefore are subjected to involuntary forced medication. No one should be forced to consume drugged water in order to maintain a biological necessity.

12. Ban Release of Genetically Modified Insects

Two tenets of good health are abundant exposure to sunshine and fresh air, however in some states, the state governments have collaborated with private business to release genetically modified mosquitoes into communities. While these mosquitoes are often designed to breed with one another and eliminate the “dangerous” species going forward, the health impacts of humans being bitten by these insects is not well understood. Nor should a person have to be risk being bitten by one of these creatures in order to venture outside. This amounts to a form of forced medication absent any form of consent and must be ended.

These recommendations should be understood as necessary first steps to begin correcting the disastrous health policy environment that exists in the United States today and to restore true health freedom in the US which would allow all Americans to decide what medical interventions to allow into or onto one’s body, which health and medical modalities to utilize in maintaining their health, and the ability to live free of involuntary medication be it via the food supply, the water supply, or the air we breathe.

Update October 3, 2024: Policy Imperative 6. has been edited to note that the NCVIA shields medical professionals from liability as well as the vaccine industry.

Originally posted on HealthFreedomDefense.org.

CDC – Just an Innocent Mistake?

In an internal video message to staff at CDC, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announced a major overhaul of its operation acknowledging a failed response to the COVID crisis. According to ABC News, Walensky said, “To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes. From testing, to data, to communications.”

I’m going to cut right to the chase, there is simply nothing CDC can possibly do to reform itself. It is way past the point of rehabilitation. CDC has destroyed any semblance of trust it once had with the American people. CDC didn’t just make some mistakes, CDC duped the American people on the science of PCR tests, masks, distancing, lockdowns, and spread of COVID.

An honest observer might even argue CDC waged war against the people by paying the media a billion dollars to “strengthen vaccine confidence in the United States” and collaborating with big tech to censor opinions from scientific and medical experts that conflicted with CDC’s diktats.

This wasn’t about failure to publish data quickly enough or communicate with the public, it was an unmitigated attack on the people, on free speech, and on our way of life.  

Now, making matters worse, CDC’s budget is to be quadrupled – and that tally excludes the tens of billions of extra funding CDC received from COVID crisis funds over the past two years.

According to Stand for Health Freedom, “The President’s FY2023 budget would increase the CDC’s budget from just under $9 billion dollars to $38.76 billion, a 356.9% increase relative to 2022.”

Yes, CDC failed to do its job but that was not because it lacked adequate funding and now CDC is to be granted billions more – to escalate their approach to public health – as somehow, money will make them honest? I’m confused.

ABC quoted Walensky as saying, “CDC needs to better “serve our partners, prioritizing the American people first.” Which leaves me wondering, what partners? CDC is a public health agency charged with protecting public health in service to the people. Who could the other partners be over whom CDC is now going to prioritize we the people? These partners “donated” $317 million to the CDC for the COVID crisis in 2021 alone, were there strings attached? Could these partners be all those private foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) that “gave” CDC money through the CDC Foundation or the pharmaceutical industry players who’ve made tens of billions off their falsely labeled “safe and effective” injections? 

At the link above you’ll see that BMGF has generously donated to CDC for at least 5 years consecutively as have the GAVI Alliance and Imperial College London – which both happen to be major BMGF grant recipients themselves.

Also listed as 5-year consecutive donors are Bloomberg Philanthropies and Johns Hopkins University which just so happens to be a grant recipient of Bloomberg Philanthropies and whose school of public health is the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Readers may recall that Imperial College of London is the outfit responsible for terrifying the world with their wildly inaccurate but alarming models forecasting millions of potential COVID deaths and used to justify lockdowns after being reported worldwide. BMGF donated a cool $79 million to them in March of 2020.

I could pick apart CDC’s disastrous COVID response but that’s been done. More than that, one might argue it would be a waste of time for one simple reason – conducting that analysis suggests CDC’s covid response was an isolated error, a mere oversight, a unique problem which has now been admitted and will be addressed. But is that accurate? Has CDC managed public health well and without controversy over the decades? Is American public health improving? Or have there been repeated ‘failings’ more suggestive of an agency corrupt to its core?

To anyone who’s been observing CDC for more than a couple of years, the answer is painfully, the latter.

CDC has been caught red-handed repeatedly over many decades, lying to the American public.

For decades, CDC claimed vaccines don’t cause autism but was forced to remove those claims after being sued by ICAN. ICAN demanded proof of their claim, CDC was unable to provide evidence and was then forced to remove the claim.

CDC covered up the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism which their own internal research revealed. This uncomfortable news was addressed in the documentary film VAXXEDCDC’s research found that when the MMR vaccine was administered before 3 years of age, children, especially African American boys, had an elevated risk of receiving an autism diagnosis. What did CDC do? Instead of holding an emergency press conference to alert parents to the danger, CDC scientists and officials met in a conference room to destroy the documents. Seriously.

Turning to mercury, that super cool metal your parents told you to never play with as you could literally lose your mind, CDC covered up the causal connection between the mercury-containing children’s vaccines and autism after their own research demonstrated the putatively safe preservative was being injected in dangerous amounts into innocent and vulnerable American babies. What did CDC do? They convened a meeting of health authorities and vaccine makers at Simpsonwood Retreat Center in Norcross, Georgia in June of 2000 to figure out how to make the connection between mercury and autism and neurodevelopmental problems “go away.” CDC was more concerned with covering its own backside than protecting innocent children. Just stew on that for a moment.

When scientists from around the world then discovered that the aluminum hydroxide adjuvant commonly used in vaccines is highly neuro and immune toxic, what was the CDC’s response? Ignore it. Aluminum is toxic to all life forms and has no biological function in the body – it does not belong in the human body – yet while highly esteemed scientists were documenting a spectrum of damage from aluminum-based adjuvants including cognitive impairment in healthy adults, to immune system problems, neuron death in mice, Alzheimer’s and even autism, CDC simply dismissed that research. To see dozens of studies on the damage wrought by injecting aluminum, see herehere, and here. Then click here to see CDC’s hollow assurances of safety.

During the swine flu/H1N1 outbreak of 2009, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned that one-third of Americans would contract the disease. As a result of the fear, vaccine makers received $1 billion to develop a vaccine and federal and state health agencies received a whopping $5 billion to promote the vaccine to the public. Sharyl Attkisson, an award-winning investigative journalist for CBS, discovered the CDC knew as early as July of 2009 that there was no emergency. She requested data from state health departments and found that very few of the patients being tested actually had swine flu. Nevertheless, on Friday, October 24, 2009, President Obama declared a national emergency. In the end, $7.65 billion was ultimately spent on what was in reality very few cases – no emergency. Yet the CDC never came clean and by June of 2010, the CDC said the H1N1 virus that caused the outbreak was a regular human flu virus that would continue to circulate. See my article from March 2020 for a deeper dive into this story.

Given this pattern of behavior over many decades, only a fool would conclude CDC’s conduct is the result of an innocent mistake. Rather, it’s business as usual for the thoroughly bought outfit erroneously labeled a public health agency.  

CDC has admitted failures in managing the COVID crisis and is now engaging in damage limitation to enable its stakeholders and partners to remain in control of the reorganization of the agency. CDC’s COVID response, an innocent mistake? Poor communication and coordination? Phooey.

Let’s not fall for that tripe again.

Sticks and Stones

Remember that old saying, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?” That’s what millions of American kids were raised to believe so they would learn to ignore verbal taunts and bullying on the playground. While the idea sounds really nice and the intentions are surely pure, is it actually true? The answer is a resounding, if not unfortunate, ‘no.’

In reality, words and language can be used against us in all manner of ways to manipulate, frighten, control, guilt, shame, deceive, gaslight, divide, distract, and steer us toward a desired point of view, behavior, or outcome. Given our experience of the past two years, one would be safe in concluding that words have indeed been weaponized against us – quite successfully.

We’ve been bombarded with messages that nudge and cajole us into ways of thinking, desired behaviors, and ways of relating. We commonly employ a new vocabulary that was entirely foreign to us before the lockdown crisis. People now casually bandy about terms such as Ro, fomites, droplets, case fatality rate, and more.

How did this happen, and how did it happen so quickly? As uncomfortable as it might be to digest, highly sophisticated techniques were deployed by the federal and state governments, the media, and big tech in a brazen effort to control the public.

Methods of Manipulation

An array of proven but simple techniques ranging from purveying fear through a constant running ticker tape of cases, hospitalizations and deaths to cement the sense of danger; to the repetition of key phrases such as ‘15 days to stop the spread,’ ‘we’re all in this together,’ and ‘It’s a small ask, wear a mask’ to elicit compliance with the new state of living; to canceling and shaming as anti-vaxxers, anti-science, science deniers, and conspiracy theorists anyone who dared to challenge the mainstream narrative dispensed by those who control the narrative.

The scenarios through which these methods are utilized normally conform to the Hegelian Dialectic, or, in common parlance – problem, reaction, solution. The concept goes something like this: those in power have a desired outcome in mind so a crisis either occurs or is engineered; as expected, the public reacts to the crisis and demands that those in power do something; at which point those in power deliver the predetermined solution they had intended all along.

Hegelian Dialect at Work

The acclaimed journal, National Geographic, published an issue with the cover title, “The War On Science.” While some of us might flinch at that title, most will reflexively react with the innocent wish that somebody do something to defend science. Most are hoping some authority will implement some mechanism which will ensure truth – such as fact checkers, the Trusted News Initiative, or a Disinformation Governance Board so they can return to their lives, safe under the illusion that they don’t have to flex a muscle to ascertain the veracity of information.

But the seed has been planted and the message is clear: science is under attack so we must stop people from questioning or challenging officialdom. And the answer proffered by those in power are the misnomered “fact checkers” and “truth initiatives” funded by Bill Gates and Big Tech in recent years – and now even government – to justify silencing and demonizing anyone who posts or speaks about research and data at odds with the predominant storyline peddled by government and its minions.

Despite the glaring illogic, dissent must be arrested, lest science be destroyed.

Unfortunately for anyone who cares about truth, liberty, and self-determination, there are countless other examples:

  • The tragic events of 911 terrified Americans into accepting reduced freedom, warrantless search and surveillance, and other intrusions into our private lives – all in the name of security.
  • COVID led us to sacrifice more freedom, autonomy, and privacy in service to perceived safety from a disease.
  • Fear of future anticipated health threats has already spurred the WHO to contract with the private sector to deliver digital vaccine passports with a unique QR code-connected digital ID for all – a plan in development for several years before the COVID crisis.
  • Alleged virus-laden physical currency may prompt an unwitting public into accepting a central bank-backed digital currency – for our own protection.

To be clear, I’m not suggesting that government manufactured all these crises (although at this point, I’m also not immune to this possibility), nevertheless it appears those in power leveraged the situations in pursuit of an agenda long in the works, in homage to Winston Churchill’s famous quote, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.”

Propaganda as a Tool

Another device of manipulation is the use of propaganda, a method pioneered in the US by Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays. Inspired by Freud’s research, Bernays sought to turn propaganda into a more acceptable concept, namely public relations. His objective was to deliver the reins of power to leaders so that they could “control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it.”

In his opus, Propaganda, Bernays wrote,

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, and our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of…. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind.”

Bernays successfully sold war to Americans, cigarettes to women, and disposable Dixie cups to all. He developed the use of interest groups to engineer the perception that a group of people were concerned about an issue and that perhaps you should be concerned too. His techniques were so effective Joseph Goebbels deployed them to hone the image of Adolph Hitler.

Bernays was undoubtedly very successful at selling products and ideas to a naïve public, but the beguiling, slick, and scripted manipulation and influencing tools at the core of his toolbox, were far from innocuous. His methods did elicit the desired response. But who amongst us does not take umbrage at being manipulated?

Legalizing Propaganda in America

Having explored the reasons for and methods behind the weaponization of words in service to an agenda, we turn now to legislative changes in the US which served this master.

Though banned for decades in America, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 legalized the dissemination of information in the US whether the information is true, partly true, or completely false.

Surprising as it may be, what you read in the newspaper, watch on the television, hear on the radio, or find on the internet may, in fact, be propaganda – “the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person,” according to the Merriam Webster dictionary.

This uncomfortable revelation may explain, in part, why public health agencies persist with their studied talking points about the dangers of COVID, the high number of deaths, the lack of treatments, and the success of the COVID injections despite scores of doctors and scientists trumpeting the exact opposite – based on published peer-reviewed science and data.

In Britain, the government formed a “Nudge Unit” to frighten the public into yielding to its wishes – locking down, allowing loved ones to languish in nursing homes or perish alone in hospitals, submitting to the experimental COVID jabs, and other hitherto unthinkable measures. If government must weaponize behavioral science against the populace to coerce them to surrender their lives, livelihoods, freedoms, and way of life to a so-called new normal – count me out.

We inhabit confusing and frightening times – a situation worsened by our ignorance of the methods being deployed against us by those attempting to control us. The solution is to understand the tactics of manipulation as once they are seen, one is liberated from their shackles.

Awakening to the truth that we are being deceived and controlled is imperative in order that we understand how we surrender our power so we can instead make conscious choices and live rooted in reality.

As Confucius said, “Above all it is essential to refer to things by their correct names. If things are not referred to by their correct names, then our language will not reflect reality. If our language does not reflect reality, then our actions will not reflect reality, and will be exercises in futility.” [Confucius, 551-479 BC]

(The Analects of ConfuciusChapter 13Verse 3 [Rectification of Names], Translation source article)

Not only is the truth required to live in reality, the truth is essential if we are to remain sane during these times. While ignorance may be bliss for some, awareness of the true nature of our world and lives, is essential to living an honest and conscious life.

I invite you to peruse the list that follows so you too might see many of the ways these nefarious control methods have been used against you in the past couple of years.

Weaponization of Language and Tactics of Control:

1) Gaslighting/Contradictory/oxymoronic terms:
• Life insurance – death insurance
• Patriot Act – not patriotic
• PREP Act – not to prepare but to shield corporations
• Too big to fail – too important to the rich and powerful
• Social security – nothing social about it and it’s not secure
• Department of Defense – Department of War
• Disinformation Governance Board – Censorship of truth that conflicts with government/official narrative
• Pravda – truth
• Third Reich’s Ministry for Public Enlightenment
• Fact checkers – Censorship of truth that conflicts with government/official narrative
• Misinformation, Disinformation, Mal-information – anything that conflicts with government/official narrative
• Contact tracing keeps us safe
• Cases – people with a positive test even if not sick
• Asymptomatic – healthy people
• Breakthrough cases – vaccine failure
• Adverse events – side effects
• Herd immunity – only individuals can be immune but shifts focus to group
• Social Distancing – physical distancing
• Lockdown for your safety – home imprisonment
• Universal Basic Income – government handouts
• Underserved – no need of service
• Woke – not awake at all
• New normal
• Stakeholder – those with vested interest

2) Change in Definitions of common words:

• WHO definition April 2009: “several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.”
• WHO definition May 1, 2009: “community outbreaks in humans in at least 2 WHO regions” (removed severity and high mortality)

• Merriam Webster before COVID injections: a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that are administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.
• Merriam Webster after COVID injections: A preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious disease (now also includes gene therapies like COVID injections.) (Source)

• CDC before change September 1, 2021: “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”
• CDC definition from September 1, 2021: “The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.” (Source)

Herd Immunity:
• WHO June 2020: “Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.”
• WHO October 2020: “’Herd immunity’, also known as ‘population immunity’, is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.” (Note: until this change, herd immunity had always been known to be a natural phenomenon occurring after natural infection. Vaccinators borrowed the concept from real world, natural experience.) (SourceSource)

3) Cancel Culture/Shaming /Dehumanizing:
Anti-vaxxer, Anti-science, Follow the science, Climate Deniers, Science Deniers, Conspiracy theorist

4) Guilting:
Trust the science, 15 days to slow the curve, Do your part, We’re all in this together; It’s a small ask, wear a mask; Be kind, wear a mask; Stay home, Save Lives; Don’t be selfish, New normal, Protect others, Protect our hospitals/frontline workers, Protect grandma

5) Omissions:
What are the media not saying, covering, or reporting about injuries & deaths following the jabs, about the failures of the injections, about the true death rate, about the failure of jabs in other countries, about fraud and malfeasance revealed in the Pfizer clinical trial documents?

6) Distraction:
News releases, events on same days of bad news: Supreme Court leak on Roe v. Wade same day as Pfizer documents released – no reporting on Pfizer documents.

7) Limited hangout:
Touch on truth briefly but keep the official narrative alive, bury truth at end of article, video and written text in an article conflict.

8) Use fear, shock, and awe to frighten:
Reduces cognitive function, installs trauma pattern, citizens defer to authority.
Examples: virus lives on surfaces, paper money, China lockdown so we must too.

9) Repetition:
Stop the Spread, Build Back Better, Vaccines Save Lives, asymptomatic case (healthy), ticker of cases and deaths on TV, follow the science, trust the science, contact tracing keeps us safe, new normal; if you are not fully vaccinated, you must wear a mask.

10) Division:
Use words like ‘justice,’ Social justice, Racial justice, Climate justice
White Privilege, all white people are racist
Diversity/Equity/Inclusion – if you don’t buy in, you’re a bad person
Gender, Racist, Woke, Non-Binary
Progressive/Liberal = good, kind, caring, Conservative = bad, far right, selfish, fringe

11) Hidden meanings:
COVID-19 – Corona vaccine ID 2019
BioNTech – Biology and Technology
Moderna – Modified Endogenous RNA
Omicron – Moronic
Brain waves as ‘variant’ names: alpha, beta, delta, gamma, etc.

To reiterate, awareness of psychological operations and control tactics, such as the weaponization of language, is just the first step towards liberation from them. The next step is willfully choosing to unplug from media, technology, and government outlets which utilize these methods against us so that we may reduce their impact upon us. Then, unclouded by their influence, we are free to consciously forge the path of OUR choosing toward a life of freedom, integrity, honesty, balance, joy, respect, decency, love, and justice – for all.

Never has this last step been more important than it is today.