We know there is much fear around COVID-19, so we wanted to share a little perspective.
Consider that one third of the population carries staph on their skin and in their noses. If you tested that one third, they’d all test positive – but they’re not sick, they’re not infected. In order to be sick, you need to have millions of the virus in you replicating out of balance. The more people you test though, the more positive tests you’ll get.
This information can be easily manipulated to frighten people because they have been lead to believe the germ theory for over a century. But our understanding of the microbiome has moved lightyears from those days. If contact with germs alone killed, we wouldn’t be here. Every day we are exposed to and carry trillions of viruses and bacteria and we have ten times as many bacteria in/on us as we do cells. We have trillions more viruses in/on us as well.
The real issue is the terrain – us. Toxic load, nutritional status, sleep, stress, exercise all comprise the terrain and determine whether one of the many pathogens we carry actually replicates out of control and then causes infection.
Pharmaceuticals are a type of toxin. Anti-fever medications are problematic as they fight the body’s normal, healthy, response to infection. When you add in several other drugs, elderly patients or already sick patients are much more likely to suffer consequences.
Regarding the tests used to “confirm” the virus. The are many issues with them as Jon Rappoport so succinctly explains here:
“Antibody tests are notorious for cross-reactions. This means factors in no way relevant to a given virus can make the test read positive. In that case, the patient would be falsely told he “has the coronavirus.” But it gets worse. Traditionally, antibody tests reading positive were taken as a good sign for the patient: his immune system had contacted a germ and defeated it. Then, starting in 1984, the science was turned upside down: a positive test was, astoundingly, taken to mean the patient was ill or would soon become ill.
The PCR test (which requires excellent technicians who will not make any number of possible mistakes) takes a tissue sample from a patient which might contain a tiny virus particle(s) much too small to be observed—and blows it up many times, so it can be seen. However, the test says nothing reliable about HOW MUCH virus is in the patient’s body. Why is that important? Because millions and millions of replicating virus in the body are necessary to even begin talking about actual illness. A positive PCR test, nevertheless, will be taken to mean the patient “has the epidemic disease.” —An even deeper issue: where is the PRIOR PROOF that the PCR is testing for a virus that actually causes disease?”
This article is very thought provoking. We have heard that the beaches in south Florida have indeed been closed and if that is the case, we must ask ourselves why? Sunshine and fresh air are very healing, why force people into their homes?