Contact tracing – say goodbye to your freedom.
Category: Freedom

Are Vaccine Mandates Constitutional?
Government only has power if the people consent.

What Is Health Freedom?
So what is health freedom and why should you care?

The Sky’s the Limit
When I was growing up in the 1960s and the 1970s my dad told me I could do and be anything I wanted.

Letter to Idaho’s Governor Brad Little
We have a few questions for Governor Little.

Do You Notice a Pattern Here?
Elites like Bill Gates and Henry Kissinger keep telling us we need a new world order, a new economy, and a new vaccine in order to rejoin life.

No, It’s the Military-Industrial Complex
When President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned of the dangers of military-industrial complex, perhaps he missed one piece, the medical piece.

Expanding Power While We Run for Cover
Certain forces are quietly seeking more power while everyone runs for cover.

Tightening the Grip?
We of course can’t and don’t know all there is to know about what is happening, we are just sharing what we do.